Sunday, June 7, 2020

More on Life with the COVID-19 Pandemic

More Recommendations from Chinese Medicine in the COVID-19 Era

With credit to Golden Flower Chinese Herbs

Beyond WHO recommendations for protective measures against COVID-19, Chinese medicine provides a second strategy.  In modern medicine, it closely corresponds to the concept of immunity.  It's called “anti-pathogenic Qi,” "upright Qi" or Zheng Qi

Anti-pathogenic Qi is enhanced by these means:
  • Qigong
  • Diet
  • Herbal formulas and
  • Managing stressors to our immune system

Qigong is strategic movement combined with synchronized breathing and meditation’s focused intentions.  With the confinements of COVID-19 stay-at-home measures and greatly reduced outings, some of us are at increased risk for blood stagnation or stasis.  This can cascade into other problems.  It is all the more important to attend to movement.  Outdoor activity is preferable because of fresh air.

A very important aspect of diet related to COVID-19 prevention is cultivation of deep, nourishing hydration.  Drinking water cannot achieve this by itself.

Eat clean foods that are hot to the touch, “wet,” and relatively easy to digest such as broth soups (not cream-based) and porridges for breakfast.  Vietnamese phó is a good example that provides deep, nourishing hydration.
  • Avoid dehydrating foods like alcohol, carbonated beverages and caffeine
  • Avoid phlegm-producing and inflammatory foods like dairy, gluten and overly spicy foods
  • Avoid eating between meals.  Give your digestion a chance to make strong Qi and rest.

Manage stressors to the immune system.  Poor quality sleep, high stress levels, overworking, inflammatory and phlegm-producing diets all diminish our capacity to fight off invading pathogens.  It is important to make corrections to these areas if we wish to increase the strength of our anti-pathogenic Qi.

Movement, diet, herbal formulas and stress management all empower us to get through this pandemic.

Good Qi to you!


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